Aerospace Engineering



There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the house since last night. The arrival and departure of guests was also constant since morning as Richard Uncle was returning home to America today with his family and little John was busy playing with the model of the plane that came with the plane tickets and little Emma who was only one year older than John was constantly asking her mother when we would get on the plane?

John, who had been playing for a long time, suddenly asked, "Mama, what is this airplane?" Kevin, who had been watching this question and answer for a long time, immediately said that the toy you are holding in your hand is called a airplane.

Kevin, who makes these airplanes, Emma asked. dear aerospace engineers make this Kevin who was an engineering student himself immediately replied and what is this aerospace engineer?

John once again asked the question with a mischievous smile. From behind, Aunty immediately called John and Emma to get ready so that they could leave for the airport as soon as possible.

Question: What is aerospace engineering?

Answer: This branch of engineering is considered as one of the basic and advanced branches and as far as the question of what is aerospace engineering is concerned, the simple answer is that the construction of aircraft and spacecraft is called aerospace engineering.

Question: What does aerospace engineering do?

Answer: Aerospace engineering is used to design and manufacture all types of aircraft (such as cargo planes, warplanes and passenger planes, etc.), missiles, spacecraft and satellites and also used for test their quality during manufacture. 

Question: What is the difference between aerospace engineering and aeronautical engineering?

Answer: The most obvious difference between these two fields is that aerospace engineering is used in the manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft while aeronautical engineering is used only in the manufacture of aircraft.

Question: How many branches of aerospace engineering and technology are there?

Answer: There are two branches of aerospace engineering and technology which are as follows:

  • Aeronautical Engineering

  • Astronautical Engineering

Question: Which countries in the world produce the most jobs in aerospace engineering?

Answer: There are many countries in the world that create jobs for aerospace engineering, the best of which are:

  • United States of America

  • Russia

  • Singapore

  • Sweden

  • Italy

  • Australia

  • France

  • United Kingdom

  • Canada

  • Germany

We know that there is still a lot to write but due to lack of time it is difficult to write more on it. We will try to find out more information about this field in the coming days from our esteemed readers.

Thanks for joining the blog - Syed Murtaza Hassan