Telecommunication Engineering


The neighbourhood has been crowded since this morning and one of the main reasons was the tower of the mobile company on Mark's three-storey house, Everyone in the neighbourhood, from children to the elderly, gathered to see what it looked like, Steven was also standing in the corner with his father and elder brother Andrew for a long time watching this scene, Suddenly Steven asked the question, who installs these towers? On which Andrew who himself was an engineering student immediately replied to Steven that the work of installing this tower is done by a telecommunication engineer
Andrew, what is this telecommunication engineer?, To which Dad said let's go home, it's too late.

Question: What is telecommunication engineering?

Answer: This branch of engineering is mainly related to computer engineering and electrical engineering and is counted among the most advanced branches and as far as the question is what is telecommunication engineering? So the simple answer is that the work of developing and maintaining a telecommunication system and keeping it functional is called telecommunication engineering.

Question: What does telecommunication engineering do?

Answer: Telecommunication engineering is used in the design and development of voice and statistical communication systems, for example (Fiber, satellite, wire and wireless signal transmission, encoding, encryption and statistical pressure), In addition, the design of basic circuits and their installation falls into the category of telecommunication engineering.

Question: How many branches of telecommunication and technology are there?

Answer: There are many branches of engineering and technology which are directly or indirectly related to telecommunication engineering, some of which are as follows:

  • Media and Data Processing Technology

  • Data Science

  • Power Engineering

  • Electronic Engineering

  • Computer Engineering

  • Telematics Engineering

  • Cyber ​​Security Technology

  • Electrical Engineering

  • Systems Engineering

Question: Which countries in the world have the most jobs in telecommunication engineering?

Answer: Almost all the countries in the world have jobs for telecommunication engineers.
The best of these are as follows:

  • United States

  • South Korea

  • Canada

  • United Kingdom

  • Singapore

  • China

We know that there is still a lot to write about but due to lack of time it is difficult to write more about it. We will try to find out more about this field in the coming days.

Thanks for joining the blog - Syed Murtaza Hassan