Electrical Engineering



Papa Papa, the board of the house is on fire, Emma came running towards the drawing room, Papa was staring at the newspaper, Immediately ran outside and Michael and John also ran after them. 
Dad immediately turned off the main switch and sent John to fetch sand so that the fire could be extinguished with his help.
The wiring is burnt, Today is Sunday. 
Tomorrow an electrical technician or engineer will have to be called.

Dad, what is this electrical engineering? Michael immediately asked?

Question: What is electrical engineering?

Answer: Electrical engineering was introduced in the last few years of the nineteenth century after the discovery of the use of electricity in this field of engineering.

And to put it simply, the design and manufacture of all machines that run on electric power is called electrical engineering.

Question: What does electrical engineering do?

Answer: Electrical engineering is used for designing, testing and manufacturing of every electrical powered machine such as electric motors, navigation systems and power generators. A great example of this is the fans and lights commonly used in our home

Question: How many branches of electrical engineering are there?

Answer: There are many branches of engineering which are directly or indirectly related to electrical engineering, some of which are given below:

  • Electronics Engineering

  • Distribution Engineering

  • Telecommunication Engineering

  • Microelectronics Engineering

  • Control Engineering

  • Signal Processing

  • Electro-Optical Engineering

  • Computer Engineering

  • Instrumentation Engineering

Question: Which countries in the world have the most jobs in electrical engineering?

Answer: There are many countries in the world that create jobs for electrical engineers, the best of which are given below

  • Australia

  • Belgium

  • Switzerland

  • United Kingdom

  • Norway

  • United States Of America

  • South Korea

  • Canada

  • Japan

  • Germany

We know that there is still a lot to write about, but due to lack of time it is difficult to write more, We will try to find out more about this field in the coming days.

Thanks for joining the blog - Syed Murtaza Hassan