Electronic Engineeirng (EE)


Electronic Engineering

Brother, look, my remote control car is not working. William was crying. She was busy teaching something to her elder brother Ethan who was leaning her head on the book in the study room at that time. He was an engineering student

So whenever William had a broken toy that was broken, she would immediately bring it to her older brother, and the same thing happened today. Asked if the car fell into the water?

Brother William, but I took her out right away. Wait a minute in the water and go and wash your face first. I will see your car in such a short time. William, who considered her brother as her role model, immediately went to wash her face. Later, when William returned to the room

By then Ethan had opened his car and was trying to figure out where the water had reached and whether the car was ready to run again. It seemed that brother did this green thing with a lot of wires attached to it on which Ethan told him that this is the board of the car which is also called chip and at the same time Mama asked William to bring a hair dryer from the room so that its water can be dried. In a short while William brought a hair dryer and At the same time another question came to his mind which he immediately asked his brother who makes these boards.

 On which Ethan told him that they are made by electronic engineers. By the way, this question and answer between Willam and Ethan will continue until William's car is repaired.
Let us try to give you more information about electronic engineering

Question: What is electronic engineering?

Answer: In general, this branch of engineering belongs to the most important and basic branch of electrical engineering and every day new inventions of science are being made with its help, the smallest example of which is the mobile in your hand.

With the help of which you are reading this article and as far as the question of what is electronic engineering, the straightforward answer is that we see many things in our daily life, some very big, some very small, some very small. Some are powered by smaller batteries

But one thing they all have in common is that they all have the greenboards that were in Rachel's car. So, sir, these are the greenboards. she does.

Question: What does electronic engineering do?

Answer: Electronic engineering is used for the design and manufacture of electronic products such as fabrications, circuit processes, electronic devices, etc. In addition, electronic engineering is also used for the preparation of broadcast and communication systems.

Question: Which field is best for an electronic engineer?

Answer: There are many fields related to electronic engineering which are playing an important role in the field of engineering, some of which are as follows:

  • Service engineer

  • Technical engineer

  • Communication Engineer

  • Technical director

  • Network Planning Engineer

  • Desktop Support Engineer

  • Field Test Engineer

  • Electronic Device and Development Engineer

Question: What are the basic duties of an electronic engineer?

Answer: The basic duties of an electronic engineer are as follows

  • Designing, preparing and installing and maintaining a telecommunications system using a combination of science, mathematics and engineering.

  • Planning new projects

  • Creating an easy-to-use interface and writing features while developing theoretical designs

  • Be aware of newly discovered technologies and prepare technical reports

  • Using Computer Assisted Engineering (CAE) to design equipment and software

  • The manufacturing industry is responsible for the preparation and use of systems to control the pressure and heat of waste products.

Question: Which countries in the world create electronic engineering jobs?

Answer: There are few countries in the world that create jobs for electronic engineers, the best of which are:

  • United States

  • China

  • Hong Kong

We know there is still a lot to write, but due to lack of time it is difficult to write more. We will try to provide more information about this field in the coming days, If you know anything about electronics engineering that is not covered in this article, please let us know your valuable feedback in the comment box.
Thanks for joining the blog - Syed Murtaza Hassan.