Computer Engineering



So today we often see young children around us and usually young and old people using mobiles and many other similar electronic devices.
Something similar was happening on President Street in Brooklyn, New York,"Jason, show me the laptop too. No, brother. I just bought it yesterday," said Thomas, The two were very old friends, but today Jason went home angry at Thomas' remarks.

But in spite of all this, Thomas was recklessly playing games on his new laptop. Shortly afterwards, Thomas' younger sister Mia, who was six years younger than him, entered the room and asked for a laptop like Jason.

Thomas had been playing games on the laptop for a long time, but he had just turned to answer his sister Mia when in a moment the screen light of his new laptop went out for a while and in a short while his laptop stopped working

For a while, Thomas and Mia tried to restart the laptop, but then Thomas gave up and said that he would have to see a computer technician tomorrow.

Brother, who makes these laptops? "Mia computer engineer makes these laptops," Thomas replied
Brother, what is this computer engineering? Mia asked again 

Thomas, who had been lost in thought for a long time and looked very sad because of his new laptop, suddenly turned to Mia, Now he seemed quite calm and one of the main reasons was Mia's question because Thomas himself was a computer engineering student so let's see what Thomas answered Mia's questions.

Question: What is computer engineering?

Answer: This branch of engineering is generally considered as one of the most advanced branches and mainly deals with electronics engineering and computer science, As far as the question is, what is computer engineering? So a simple answer to this is that we all see it being used in our daily lives such as offices, educational institutions and homes.
Sir, this branch of engineering plays an important role in the manufacture of these computers and laptops which are now an important part of our lives.

Question: What does computer engineering do?

Answer: Computer engineering uses computer and related technologies such as routers, memory devices, processors, circuit boards to design, research, manufacture and
 This includes testing and innovating new computers and related technologies.

Question: Which field is best for a computer engineer?

Answer: There are many fields related to computer engineering which are playing an important role in the field of engineering, some of which are as follows:

  • Computer network architect

  • Computer system analyst

  • Machine Learning Engineer

  • Blockchain Engineer

  • Data Scientist

  • Software engineer

  • Database Administrator

Question: What are the basic duties of a computer engineer?

Answer: The basic duties of a computer engineer are as follows:

  • Develop and install software systems

  • Planning hardware product development

  • Prepare blueprints of new hardware products and then present these blueprints to the administration.

  • Stay tuned for new discoveries in technology and to innovate existing technology with its help

  • Ensuring quality of innovation in the manufacture of computers

  • Checking the validity of new and used motherboards

  • Securing the company's cloud-linked storage points and ensuring the security of these accounts

  • To solve computer related problems and provide technical facilities to the office staff

Question: Which countries in the world create computer engineering jobs?

Answer: There are many countries in the world that create jobs for computer engineers, the best of which are:

  • Australia

  • Singapore

  • Netherlands

  • United States

  • Denmark

  • Sweden

  • Germany

  • Switzerland

  • Canada

We know there is still a lot to write, but due to lack of time it is difficult to write more. We will try to provide more information about this field in the coming days.

Thanks for joining the blog - Syed Murtaza Hassan.